Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm Here!

Alright everyone, I'm officially here in Xi'an. I started my stopwatch when the plane took of in Atlanta, and stopped it when I landed in Xi'an, showing that the total amount of time I spent traveling was.....23 hours and 32 minutes with 18 seconds. Overall the flight was great as I had an empty seat next to me on all flights, with the one from ATL to NY being a window seat, and the rest being the aisle seat. My apartment is nice, although I won't be living in it long as I'll be moving to my town closer to the end of the week, but for the time being, it's really nice and I slept like a log last night.

Today Nick is going to show me around a bit. Banks are opened on Sundays and even so, that's something I'll have to handle in Yanliang. So mostly, today will be about getting to know Xi'an better. Tomorrow I'm having a physical and registering with the local police department, as well as exchaning some of my USD or RMB.

But yeah, that's about it right now, I love it so far and I will definitly be hoping I get time to post more and let everyone know that I'm here and safe....not to mention extremely happy.


  1. Dreams coming true! Lucas changing the world!

    Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action changes the world.
    Written By Joel Barker

  2. Is is snowing very hard in Atlanta.

  3. Hahaha... go figure, snow in Atlanta!! Too bad it didn't accumulate :( It sounds to me like China is just as amazing as you thought it would be!!! To Nadia and Liza... Because I know that you guys follow this :) I would love to go out with you guys for a girls day out (I told Lucas this before the whole China thing came up) and do mani/pedi's with ya'll one weekend!! Let me know if you guys would like to do so!!! I miss you Lucas!!! I will be on Skype as much as possible!!! My work schedule is 6pm to about 4am GA time... Anyways, I will pretty much be online any time other than then so Skype me :) I love you and miss you lucas... and I am SOOOO proud of you for following your heart and chasing your dreams!!

    P.S. Home life isn't going too well for me so I would LOVE to talk to you soon :(
