Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Visa Update

As of 9:45 AM this morning, I'm officially a holder of a Chinese work visa.

No turning back now.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The 5 Minutes that Changed my Life

I woke up this morning with no Working permit or Letter of Invitation, which are both need to get your visa to China, which are all three things I need before my flight on the 27th (this Friday). One of the first things I did this morning was I called the Visa agency I'm working with, and they told me that they had not received my package which included my passport, check, and other valuable documents (though according to USPS, the package had arrived last Thursday). After that conversation, I was a little down and so I was sitting in my Dad's office, alone, when the doorbell rang. It was the FedEX guy who was the deliverer of my Working Permit and Letter of Invitation from China!

I signed for the documents, and ripped open the package to make sure everything was correct (it was!), and then I called the Visa agency again so that I could know where to send scanned copies of each document. When I called, I spoke to a woman named Nina, who told me where I can send the scanned copies (which were to her desk so that she knew they wouldn't be lost). She got my phone number, and than told me that she was going to hunt for my package to make sure it hadn't been misplaced and that she was going to call me as soon as she found out anything.

After this, I hung up, put the phone in my pocket, and walked into my room. Not 2 minutes later Nina called and told me that she found my package, with all the necessary documents, and that she was going to take it to the Embassy today at 11 central time, and than she'd go back the next day, and pick up my visa, then immediately ship it overnight to me in Atlanta!

All this took place within 5 minutes, which will forever be remembered to me as the 5 minutes that changed my life.

So, here is what is going on with my visa.

Monday at 11:00 AM (Central Time), Nina will be taking the documents and my passport to the embassy and drop them off to be completed.

Tuessday at 11:00 AM (Central Time), Nina goes back to the embassy with other people's documents, and while she drops them off, she picks up those that are completed, which mine will be by this time.

Tuesday afternoon - Nina will gather all the Visa, and mail them out to who they belong to, all next day delievery.

So this means that I will get my Visa either Wednesday or Thrusday! Of course I'd prefer it to be Wednesday, but it's gaureenteed to be here Thrusday so I'm not worrying anymore.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm going to China!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Flight is Booked!

Well, today has seen another step taken in the direction of me going to China, with the booking of the plane ticket.

Here are the flight details, and I believe there are websites that allow you to track a plane while it's in the air, all you need is the flight number.

Depart from ATLANTA - Friday, February 27, 2009 at 9:50 am
Arrive in NEW YORK - Friday, February 27, 2009 at 12:12 pm
Flight number: DL 1030

Depart from NEW YORK - Friday, February 27, 2009 at 3:30 pm
Arrive in BEIJING, CHINA - Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 5:55 pm
Flight number: CA 982

Depart from BEIJING, CHINA - Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 8:35 pm
Arrive in XIANYANG, CHINA - Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:30 pm
Flight number: CA 1205

All times are of course local to whatever my location is at that moment.
Here is a link to a website to Sian (aka Xi'an) which keeps up with the local time, weather and other news.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Contact Information

Just would like to let everyone know, if you don't already, that I should be on Skype most of the times. It's a free communication service, which allows you to call others on Skype (i.e. Me in China) for free. So if you want, get a headset, download Skype for free, and look me up! I found that it's easiest to search by email address, mine being: lbpersell@, thanks everyone!

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Official!

Well, it has become official today that I will be heading to China around the 26th of this month, go to Yanliang, which is a province of Xian, and begin teaching on a one year contract!

Some of you already know this, but some don't. China has always been one of those places that I've had a deep desire to go. Teaching is also something that I've wanted to do for awhile now, and last week when I found the Aston School program that allowed me to do both, I jumped on board and here I am today. I'm 23 (as of yesterday), unemployed (until I my contract starts of course), and still living at one with one of my parents (again, soon to change). A big change in my life is about to occur and I can't help but be excited and anxious!

So, I plan to keep this updated as much as time permits, if you have any questions or want to contact me you can via Skype or through email. If you want to get to me through Skype, just search for my email address,

Lastly, I want to thank a few people with the first being my parents. My Mom is probably the most loving person I know, and has a crazy, fun, and soul. My Dad has done a great job into making me the man I am today. He taught me how to accomplish my dreams. He has given me opportunities that make me the luckiest son in the world. Both of my parents are incredible human beings, and it's so apparent that it's impossible NOT when you meet them :)

Secondly goes to the two people I consider my only blood siblings. That of course being Trish and Craig (and yes, I consider Craig blood, if you know us, you can argue this point haha ). So Trish, the brat of my life until she moved out to college. That may sound harsh, but when she left, I began to miss my sister, and I would cherish our moments together. Now looking bad, I understand that while I say SHE was the brat, I understand that it went both ways, but luckly we are over it and the truth is I wouldn't change her for the world. She has helped me in so many ways it's impossible to retell them all. So that leaves me with......oh yeah, Criag, aka Boo. What can I honeslty say about him? The truth? The truth is I will never be closer to anyone that him, the truth is that I would not be the person I am today with him, and I may not even be here today. Knowing someone for 20 years allows you to really get to know someone, and he is the only person who knows everything about me. He's always there when I need someone, and he's always there for me to vent to. He's incredible, he's my best friend, he's my brother.

Next comes all my other great family and friends. This includes the following, Nadia, Liza, J, Kristen, Michael, Bobbi Sue, Rose, Sonja, Yale, Diasuke, Bob, all my beautiful cousins, Charlotte, Russ, Corey, Kevin, Matt, Patt, Emily V., Bryn, and just everybody. Thank you for everything, I really do appreciate all that you have done for me! I love you all!



General information about the Shaanxi province

Information about the city of Yanliang